22 research outputs found

    The need to provide professional development in tourism to students who minor in public relations of the B.A. in Modern Languages with Specialization in French and English, at the Department of Foreign Languages, University of el Salvador, 2019 /

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    This research Project has as main objective to investigate the need to provide professional development in tourism to students who minor in Public Relations of the B.A. in Modern Languages with specialization in French and English, at the Department of Foreign Languages, University of El Salvador. First, it is presented an overview of tourism history in El Salvador and how it has been experiencing many changes since the Golden Era, (through) the Peace Agreements in 1992, until the improvement it has had until now. Moreover, the research team highlights how tourism has been growing in the last 10 years, and its importance for Salvadoran economy. Then, there is a review of the educational aims of the B.A. in Modern Languages and the process for updating the current Public Relations curriculum. Part of the research include to analyze the importance of updating the curriculum for the Public Relations area of the Modern Languages Major based on the needs of current labor market in the country. Afterwards, the results of the investigation are presented. It is essential to show the interest of Modern Languages students and also graduates of this major, in studying a specialization in tourism, in order to acquire extra knowledge besides being polyglot, not only to improve their skills, but also to get better job opportunities in the current market labor in the country and outside the country. Finally, some recommendations are proposed to professors that must keep updating the syllabus content, to students to be proactive and self-taught and also to authorities to offer to offer different graduation process like pre-specializations

    Valoración de la prueba psicológica forense por jueces en casos de violencia contra la mujer.

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    Analizar la valoración de la prueba psicológica forense por jueces y juezas en casos de violencia contra la mujer. Describir la importancia de la participación del psicólogo forense en casos de violencia contra la mujer en el juzgado de femicidio, violencia sexual y otras formas de violencia contra la mujer. Identificar los aspectos esenciales que debe contener el informe psicológico forense en casos de violencia contra la mujer. La violencia es un problema que atraviesa histórica y contextualmente la realidad guatemalteca, pero sus explicaciones psicológicas, políticas y culturales no son suficientes para comprender la complejidad de la misma y proponer un medio de solución a la misma. Como es sabido la violencia contra las mujeres se ha manifestado como un continuo en la historia de Guatemala y la violencia de género ha sido perpetuada como una herramienta de subordinación y control de la vida y cuerpo de las mujeres, sustentada por una cultura patriarcal y conservadora y un sistema frágil de seguridad y respuestas judiciales que genera impunidad. En materia de delitos de violencia contra la mujer, resulta especialmente relevante el razonamiento probatorio aplicado por los jueces y juezas, a pesar de que el proceso penal se enfrente a dificultades estructurales; resultando fundamental el aporte que genera el informe y la prueba psicológica; y la influencia en la toma de decisiones tanto en la valoración individual de los elementos de juicio como en la conjunta. Por lo que un enfoque integral entre las instituciones encargadas de brindar el acceso a la justicia y la interacción entre la autonomía política, económica y física de las mujeres para el ejercicio de una ciudadanía efectiva, podría garantizar una reparación digna

    Influencia de la autoestima en el desarrollo de aptitudes escolares en los niños de preprimaria.

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia del nivel de autoestima en el desarrollo de las aptitudes escolares evaluadas según el Test AEI en niños de educación preprimaria; asimismo, como objetivos específicos se evaluaron las aptitudes escolares, se conoció el desarrollo de las aptitudes escolares, e identificó el nivel de autoestima,socializando los resultados de la investigación a través de un informe escrito a la institución. La formación de buenas bases de autoestima y su fortalecimiento durante la educación preprimaria mejora enormemente el nivel de socialización e independencia que adquieran losinfantes. He allí la importancia de brindar especial atención a la autoestima en esta etapa. Igualmente, el desarrollo de las aptitudes escolares, que son las capacidades y procesos de crecimiento que surgen a raíz del deseo de aprender especialmente en la niñez. El enfoque cuantitativo permitió recolectar, analizar y vincular los datos utilizando el diseño correlacional, la investigación se llevó a cabo en la institución Escuela Oficial Urbana Mixta Barrio El Porvenir, zona 4 de Mazatenango, en el grado de preparatoria. Se utilizó la técnica de muestreo discrecional para elegir a 30 niños y niñas de seis años del nivel preprimario,la técnica de recolección fue el instrumento de Aptitudes Escolares Infantiles Preescolar 2 y el Cuestionario para la evaluación de la autoestima en la infancia EDINA. Se concluye en que los niveles de autoestima, especialmente en el área académica, influyen en el desarrollo de aptitudes escolares, ya que propician en el niño o niña la confianza y apertura hacia el aprendizaje

    Dynamic coordination in fleet management systems: Toward smart cyber fleets

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    Fleet management systems are commonly used to coordinate mobility and delivery services in a broad variety of domains. However, their traditional top-down control architecture becomes a bottleneck in open and dynamic environments, where scalability, proactiveness, and autonomy are becoming key factors for their success. Here, the authors present an abstract event-based architecture for fleet management systems that supports tailoring dynamic control regimes for coordinating fleet vehicles, and illustrate it for the case of medical emergency management. Then, they go one step ahead in the transition toward automatic or driverless fleets, by conceiving fleet management systems in terms of cyber-physical systems, and putting forward the notion of cyber fleets. © 2014 IEEE.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the projects “Agreement Technologies” (grant CSD2007-0022; CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), “intelligent Human-Agent Societies” (grant TIN2012-36586-C03-02), and “Smart Delivery” (grant RTC-2014-1850-4).Peer Reviewe

    Fructose Consumption among Students at The University of Guanajuato

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    Introduction: Fructose is a monosaccharide commonly found in fruits. However, it can also be found in carbonated beverages, cereals, fruit juices, and in other processed fruit. The consumption of fructose in moderate to high amounts increases levels of triglycerides in plasma and alters hepatic glucose homeostasis. Little information is avialble on fructose consumption in Mexico. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of fructose consumption among college students enrolled at the Unviersity of Guanajuato in Mexico (Celaya-Salvatierra Campus). Methods: This was an explorative, cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 57 full time students attending Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation program were included in the analysis. Demographic data, food frequency questionnaire, and body mass index (BMI) were collected from all students. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics; discrete variables were reported as frequencies or percentages and continuous variables were reported as means and standard deviations. Results: The average age of participants was 19.5 ± 2.8 years. 72% of participants were female and 28% were male. The average BMI was 24.0 ± 4.1 Kg / m2, indicating normal BMI range.  Fructose consumption was roughly 55g per day. Discussion: Previous research demonstrated that levels below 50 mg per day are safe. Madero et al. reported that that consumption of 50-70 g of fructose per day is considered to be moderate. We found that students consumed 55g of fructose, so their fructose intake is at a moderate level and should not be an obesity-inducing factor, also consistent with BMI ranges of our research participants. Considering obesity epidemic in Mexico, further studies examining the source of calories in Mexican poipualation are warranted, especially among young people


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    La prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en adultos a nivel nacional es de un 7%, con varios factores de riesgo: obesidad y sobrepeso, hiperglucemia, sedentarismo,  hipertensión,  tabaquismo, hábitos alimentarios inadecuados.  El objetivo fue analizar la frecuencia de los factores de riesgo en personas de 25 a 35 años, con y sin antecedentes de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se realizó un estudio analítico, en 50 personas con y 50 sin antecedentes de diabetes mellitus 2 (control), se registraron los principales factores de riesgo como: sobrepeso u obesidad,  valores de índice cintura cadera fuera de la recomendación, sedentarismo, presencia de hiperglucemia, hipertensión arterial y tabaquismo. Se analizó el IMC, presión arterial, glucosa capilar. A través de un cuestionario se evaluó la presencia de tabaquismo, sedentarismo, los hábitos de alimentación (características de la alimentación). Los resultados no mostraron diferencia significativa en ambos grupos y los principales factores de riesgo para personas de 25 a 35 años fueron: sobrepeso, obesidad, con distribución grasa de acuerdo al ICC;  sedentarismo y, cercano al 25% de la población estudiada fue el tabaquismo y la hiperglucemia.  La hipertensión arterial se observó en el grupo control. Es evidente el efecto que tienen los factores de  riesgo ambientales (obesidad, tabaquismo, sedentarismo, hábitos de alimentación) en el desarrollo de la DM2. Es urgente aplicar estrategias y programas dirigidos a la prevención y control de la obesidad en edades tempranas, como  el grupo de edad estudiado, así como en la infancia, la adolescencia y el adulto joven, para disminuir el riesgo de desarrollar diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Estos factores de riesgo, de acuerdo a los reportes, serían suficientes para que en corto plazo se pueda desarrollar diabetes tanto en el grupo con antecedentes y sin antecedentes de DM2. Abstract The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults at the national level is 7%, with several risk factors: obesity and overweight, hyperglycemia, sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, smoking, improper eating habits. The objective was to analyze the frequency of risk factors in people 25 to 35 years old, with and without a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus. An analytical study was conducted in 50 persons with and 50 without a history of diabetes mellitus 2 (control), where were analyzed the main risk factors: overweight or obesity, waist-hip out of the recommendation, sedentary lifestyle, hyperglycemia, hypertension and smoking. We analyzed BMI, blood pressure, capillary glucose levels. Through a questionnaire evaluated the presence of smoking, sedentary lifestyle, eating habits (characteristics of food). The results showed no significant difference in both groups and the main risk factors for people 25 to 35 years old were overweight, obesity, fat distribution according to the ICC, sedentary, and nearly 25% of the study population were smokers and had hyperglycemia. Hypertension was observed in the control group. In this study found that the effects of environmental risk factors are crucial for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is urgent to implement strategies and programs at preventing and controlling obesity at an early age as the age group studied as well as in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. These risk factors, according to reports, would be sufficient for short-term diabetes can develop in this study population (with and without a history of DM2). Palabras clave: diabetes mellitus tipo 2, antecedentes heredofamiliares, hábitos alimentarios, factores de riesg

    Music Learning with Massive Open Online Courses

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    Steels, Luc et al.-- Editors: Luc SteelsMassive Open Online Courses, known as MOOCs, have arisen as the logical consequence of marrying long-distance education with the web and social media. MOOCs were confidently predicted by advanced thinkers decades ago. They are undoubtedly here to stay, and provide a valuable resource for learners and teachers alike. This book focuses on music as a domain of knowledge, and has three objectives: to introduce the phenomenon of MOOCs; to present ongoing research into making MOOCs more effective and better adapted to the needs of teachers and learners; and finally to present the first steps towards 'social MOOCs’, which support the creation of learning communities in which interactions between learners go beyond correcting each other's assignments. Social MOOCs try to mimic settings for humanistic learning, such as workshops, small choirs, or groups participating in a Hackathon, in which students aided by somebody acting as a tutor learn by solving problems and helping each other. The papers in this book all discuss steps towards social MOOCs; their foundational pedagogy, platforms to create learning communities, methods for assessment and social feedback and concrete experiments. These papers are organized into five sections: background; the role of feedback; platforms for learning communities; experiences with social MOOCs; and looking backwards and looking forward. Technology is not a panacea for the enormous challenges facing today's educators and learners, but this book will be of interest to all those striving to find more effective and humane learning opportunities for a larger group of students.Funded by the European Commission's OpenAIRE2020 project.Peer reviewe

    Collaborative Peer Assessment using PeerLearn

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    In this chapter we introduce the PeerLearn methodology and its associated tools. We base the design of pedagogical workflows for students on the definition of rubrics (using PeerAssess) as the starting element that drives the creation of lesson plans (using LessonEditor). These plans run over our web platform (Peer-Flow). Students can evaluate one another following given rubrics and teachers can accept (or not) marks produced by a collaborative assessment tool (COMAS). Experimental results show that PeerLearn provide students with a highly satisfying new pedagogical experience and increased learning outcomes. © 2015 The authors and IOS Press.Peer reviewe

    The spanish definite article interference upon the english definite article usage on students of Intermediate Intensive English II, Group 04, of the Bachelor of Arts in English Language Teaching at the University of El Salvador, Semester I-2018

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    The present research is about the interference of the Spanish definite article upon the English definite article usage on Students of Intermediate Intensive English II, Group 04, of the Bachelor of Arts in English Language Teaching at the University of El Salvador, Semester I-2018. The definite article is a unique and complex feature in the English language. It is also one of the most used words in English (Harb, 2014). Many studies have approached the difficulties of acquiring the English definite article when it is studied as a second or foreign language. These studies have concluded that Spanish language has an impact on this process. Students who have a L1 that does not use definite articles find it more difficult to acquire them than students that have an L2 that has articles (Zdorenko & Paradis 2011). Nevertheless, students whose native language contains article systems might find other problems. Many linguists have examined the acquisition process of English articles by learners whose L1 contains articles. Some authors have concluded that “language transfer” is the responsible why students misuse the English definite article (Nitschke, S. et al. 2010). However, there is not much information in order to know for sure that this is the case of students of the Foreign Language Department at University of El Salvador (UES). In order to expand the amount of knowledge regarding the complexity of the topic, it is necessary to determine what theories have to be studied and what particular aspects have to be taken into account in the case of intermediate students of English. This contains some aspects that can help to explain the research topic such as, measuring the influence from Spanish language, showing the hypotheses and the results. First, the statement of the problem leads the way to the whole process of the research. Then, some hypotheses are used to state the problem. Third, the theoretical framework considers some linguistic theories like: Interlanguage, Language Transfer, etc, in order to have a clear idea about the aspects that can lead to a better understanding of the problem. After that, the methodology describes: the type of focus, research method, technique and instruments. The next part is, the population, sampling frame, and sample. Then, the findings are described, containing the data analysis and interpretations of the results. After that the conclusions are presented. And finally, a list of recommendation